City of Saint Paul Bikeways Plan

The City of Saint Paul is developing a citywide Bikeways Plan to guide the development of a safe, effective, and well-connected network of bicycle facilities to encourage and facilitate bicycle transportation. The primary objective of this plan is to designate corridors throughout the city for future development of bikeways. When completed, this plan will be adopted as an addendum to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

Update March 18, 2015 

City Council Passes Saint Paul Bicycle Plan

On March 18, the City Council adopted the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan that more than doubles bike pathways and connections throughout Saint Paul over the next several decades. In the City’s 2015 budget, Mayor Chris Coleman dedicated more than $27 million of the 8-80 Vitality Fund to road reconstruction, including the creation of bike pathways – the largest investment in bike infrastructure in Saint Paul’s history.

For more information go to Saint Paul Bikeways Plan

Citywide Bike Plan Resolution –  April 2014

Draft District 15 – HIghland Park – Bike Plan