Deadline to apply for open Grid 11 seat

5:00pm, Thursday, August 29, 2024

Volunteer as the Grid 11 representative on Highland District Council’s Board of Directors. Speak for your neighbors on issues like development, transportation, affordable housing and environmental concerns. This is a seven month volunteer opportunity.

Candidates must live in Grid 11. Check your grid number by typing your address here:

Board Member Expectations:
*Attend Board and Committee Meetings
*Volunteer for at least four events during the year 
*Serve on task forces
*Participate in public events, forums and projects sponsored by the HDC

Submit your application

All candidates must submit their application by Thursday, August 29 at 5 p.m. 

Appy here:

If you would like, a photo of yourself can be submitted to [email protected]. Your picture will be displayed with your application on the HDC website and may be included on HDC’s social media and other communications.

Please plan to join the HDC Board Meeting on Thursday, September 5 at 7 p.m. at the Highland Park Community Center (1978 Ford Parkway) to introduce yourself. This meeting will be recorded, archived and made available online to voters.