Deadline for Grid 3 Representative and At-Large Candidates

5:00pm, Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Highland District Council (HDC) is led by a group of neighborhood volunteers who are elected by Highland Park residents and business representatives to bring the voices of the community to the City of St. Paul on issues like development, transportation, affordable housing and environmental concerns.

Grid 3

We’re seeking candidates ages 18+ who live in or represent a business in grid 3 to run for a 2-year term on our board of directors.


We’re also seeking candidates ages 18+ who live in or represent a business anywhere in Highland Park to run for a 1-year term on our board of directors.

Learn more about the role of a board member here. Call us at 651.695.4005 or email [email protected].

Apply at or fill out the application below. Applications must be submitted by July 13 at 5 pm.