Highland 9 Visioning

he City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation has secured City Council pre-design funding to conduct a preliminary study on re-purposing the Highland 9 golf course (Ward 3, District 15). This preliminary study examines only the 9 hole golf course, and not the adjacent 18 hole golf course. There is currently no additional funding for design or construction.

Project Lead:  
Brett Hussong, PLA
Lead Landscape Architect
Pronouns:  He/Him/His
Parks and Recreation – Design & Construction
400 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
P: 651-266-6420
[email protected]

Update:  January 9, 2020

As discussed during public meeting #3, city staff will present the preferred concept to the Parks and Recreation Commission on January 9th at Martin Luther King Community Rec Center (271 Mackubin St). beginning at 6:30pm. A public comment period will occur immediately at the beginning of the meeting and refer to the Parks and Rec Commission website for full meeting details.

PRC Agenda 2020 01 09

December 11, 2019 Meeting #3

Highland 9 Visioning Mtg #2 Presentation